Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to "Worship & the prophetic on drums"

    • About me: A testimony of a miraculous God

    • A prophetic journey through the history of generations

    • Course introduction (PDF)

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    Level 1 - "Biblical foundation" - The prophetic on instruments

    • Introduction to Level 1

    • Theological foundation part 1: To prophesy with instruments

    • Theological foundation part 2: Can instruments be used in church?

    • Level 1 The Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My Journey: A journey into the prophetic on drums

    • Level 1 My journey (PDF)

    • The practical section: Introduction

    • Practical: The drummer's role in a worship band

    • Level 1 Practical (PDF)

    • Introduction to all the drumming exercises

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments Part 1 - Frequently used tom grooves in worship

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments Part 1 - Sticking patterns Part 1

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments Part 1 - Sticking patterns Part 2

    • Level 1 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • "Setter min lit" (Lyrics and chords)

    • Activation exercise: Searching for God's heart

    • Reflection exercise: Becoming a prophetic worship drummer

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    Level 2 - "Worship on earth as it is in heaven"

    • Level 2 introduction

    • Theological foundation Part 1: Worship in the book of Revelation

    • Theological foundation Part 2: The worship in the Tabernacle of David

    • Level 2 Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My journey: The anointing of the Holy Spirit

    • Level 2 My journey (PDF)

    • Practical: How to be a "professional" drummer

    • Level 2 Practical (PDF)

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments Part 2 - Single stroke triplet grooves

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments part 2 - The double paradiddle

    • Drumming exercises: The use of rudiments Part 2 - The paradiddle diddle and the 6 stroke roll

    • Level 2 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • "Hosanna to the King" (Full song)

    • "Hosanna to the King" (Lyrics and chords)

    • Activation exercise: A study of heavenly worship

    • Reflection exercise: A reflection of heaven

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    Level 3 - "Shifting atmospheres with worship"

    • Level 3 Introduction

    • Theological foundation Part 1: The power of worship

    • Theological foundation Part 2: Intensions matter - Understand your authority and the authority of the drums

    • Level 3 Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My journey: The name above all names

    • Level 3 My journey (PDF)

    • Practical Part 1: Working with the worship leader

    • Practical Part 2: A conversation with a worship leader

    • Level 3 Practical (PDF)

    • Drumming exercises: Introduction to linear hand and foot combinations Part 1 (Triplets)

    • Drumming exercises: Hand and foot combinations in groups of 3

    • Drumming exercises: Hand and foot combinations in groups of 6

    • Drumming exercises: Hand and foot combinations - Triplet orchestrations

    • Drumming exercises: Hand and foot combinations in triplets with double kick pedal

    • Level 3 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • Activation exercise: Changing and influencing atmospheres

    • Reflection exercise: Aligning with heaven to change atmospheres

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    Level 4 - "Worship, sound and science"

    • Level 4 Introduction

    • Theological foundation Part 1: The "God" vibration

    • Theological foundation Part 2: All creation is singing

    • Level 4 Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My journey: The power of the drums in Jerusalem

    • Level 4 My journey (PDF)

    • Practical Part 1: Playing well musically versus playing prophetically

    • Practical Part 2: Playing for the music

    • Level 4 Practical (PDF)

    • Drumming exercises: Introduction to "Linear hand and foot combinations Part 2"

    • Drumming exercises: 3 note groupings (16th note subdivision)

    • Drumming exercises: 2 and 4 note groupings

    • Drumming exercises: Groups of 4 with single kick strokes & 8 note groupings

    • Level 4 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • "Psalm 98" (Full song)

    • "Psalm 98" Chords (lyrics in Norwegian)

    • "Psalm 98" (Lyrics in English)

    • Bonus lesson: Playing with the click

    • Bonus lesson: How and what to practice (and why)

    • Level 4 Bonus material (PDF)

    • Activation exercise: Finding your sound

    • Reflection exercise: Impacting the physical surroundings with sound

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    Level 5 - "Redeeming sounds and instruments"

    • Level 5 Introduction

    • Theological foundation: Releasing the sound of heaven through the nations

    • Level 5 Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My journey Part 1: Releasing the sound of heaven - The sound of the shaking tree

    • My journey Part 2: Digging up the old wells and restoring the ancient ruins

    • Level 5 My journey Part 1 (PDF)

    • Level 5 My journey Part 2 (PDF)

    • Practical: Playing prophetically Part 1 - The theological aspects

    • Practical: Playing prophetically Part 2 - The practical aspects

    • Practical: Playing prophetically Part 3 - Developing your "sound and signature"

    • Level 5 Practical (PDF)

    • Drumming exercises: Developing a signature - My "signature" grooves

    • Drumming exercises: Developing grooves based on sticking patterns Part 1

    • Drumming exercises: Developing grooves based on sticking patterns Part 2

    • Level 5 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • "Se jeg gjør noe nytt" (Full song)

    • "Se jeg gjør noe nytt" (Lyrics and chords)

    • Activation exercise: Develop your prophetic drumming

    • Reflection exercise: The sound of my nation

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    Level 6 - "Worship changes everything"

    • Level 6 Introduction

    • Theological foundation Part 1: The power of the word of God

    • Theological foundation Part 2: The power of our words and thoughts

    • Theological foundation Part 3: Worship in the valley

    • Level 6 Theological foundation (PDF)

    • My journey: "Drums and intercession"

    • Level 6 My journey (PDF)

    • Practical: Character matters

    • Level 6 Practical (PDF)

    • Drumming exercises: Introduction to "Releasing joy and dancing"

    • Drumming exercises: Sticking patterns over 4 on the floor

    • Drumming exercises: Latin inspired grooves: The "Soca" and the "Reggaeton"

    • Drumming exercises: Latin inspired grooves - "Calypso and Samba"

    • Drumming exercises: "The Mozambique"

    • Drumming exercises conclusion - A "wrap up" for all the 6 levels

    • Level 6 Drumming exercises (PDF)

    • "King of creation" (Full song)

    • "King of creation" (Lyrics and chords)

    • Activation exercise: Singing the scriptures

    • Reflection exercise: Worship in the valley

  • 8

    Course conclusion

    • Course conclusion: A journey through time

    • Course conclusion (PDF)


Worship Drummer

Anne-Linda Bratsberg Thorsen

Anne-Linda is a worship drummer from Norway, travelling all over the nation and also internationally as a freelance worship drummer. She is also the drummer in the worship band “Connected”. She teaches about prophetic worship in Bible schools, Disciple training schools, churches and houses of Prayer, and is also part of the coaching team in Bergen school of worship. Together with her husband she is a part of developing a house of prayer in Bergen where she lives. Anne-Linda has a degree in music and theology and a bachelor degree as a child welfare educator. For several years she worked as a deacon in church and she is still a part of the local Methodist church in Bergen where she was employed before she became a full time worship drummer. She longs to see the people of God open their eyes to the prophetic dimension in worship and to see the church reach its full potential, breaking through and releasing God’s will on earth! That’s why she loves to teach about worship, to mentor, equip and disciple teenagers and young adults to take their place as modern day Levites who will usher in God’s kingdom on earth with their worship! One of her callings is to connect with and build relationships between leaders and worshipers in different churches, Christian organizations and Houses of prayers, for the purpose of standing together in unity, working together as one body in Christ. Anne-Linda is the author and instructor of the courses “Worship & prophetic drumming", "Biblical foundation for the prophetic on instruments and "Drum exercises for the prophetic drummer.”

Course description

“Every stroke the Lord lays on them with His punishing club will be to the music of timbrels (drums) and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm” 

(Isaiah 30:32)

Can you hear the sound of the drums in heaven? To worship with drums and instruments is about creating and releasing sound. Sounds coming from the hearts of worshipers who long to be aligned with heaven to release God’s will on earth. Being a worship drummer in a worship team is not about “just playing” the drums. You are releasing something in the spiritual realm with your drumming. If you are aligning your heart with heaven and listening for the Holy Spirit, you can actually be a part of releasing God’s will on earth! The drums have a tremendous impact and authority, and a worship drummer should definitely focus on both musical skills and the spiritual dimension of playing worship. 

This course is about worship and the prophetic on drums. Are you interested in learning more about the power and authority of the drums and how you can release the sound of heaven and change atmospheres through your drumming? Do you want to know more about the prophetic dimension in worship and what Scripture say about the drums and instruments? Do you want to grow as a prophetic drummer and develop your musical skills at the same time? Do you want to learn more about what worship in heaven looks like, the power of worship, the importance of the ethnic instruments and sounds and how worship, sound and science are connected? 

This course will take you on a journey, which also explores another dimension of the prophetic: how the history of generations is affecting us today. The prophetic is not only about the future, it is also connected to the past (Ec. 3:15). The sound of old reverberates through time from the worship and prayers of our ancestors, and their actions are still affecting us today for good and bad. (Rev. 7:8) Digging up the old wells of revival and tearing down spiritual strongholds through the ministry of reconciliation is also an important part of our ministry as worshipers, musicians and disciples of Jesus. Do you want to find out more about how you can be a part of that ministry?

Although the drums are the main focus in this course you can still benefit a lot from this material even if you are not a drummer. That’s why we have made it possible for you to buy a smaller package which contains the theological topics only: “Biblical foundation for the prophetic on instruments”. If you are not a drummer, but you are interested in this topic, check it out by reading more about it in the course description.

The full course contains 6 levels (or chapters) with 71 video teachings in total. PDF’s are available as well. 

The full package contains 3 main sections: 

-Theological teachings which will give you a solid biblical foundation, including stories and testimonies from real life. 

-Practical teachings which cover many important topics in regard to being a drummer in a worship team as well as the practical, musical and spiritual preparations you need to consider before you go on stage.

-The “drumming exercises” where Anne-Linda specifically demonstrates many of her “signature” grooves and other concepts that she finds useful in worship drumming, especially when playing prophetically. There is no “recipe” for how to play prophetically on the drums, but there are some concepts that will help you to develop a “ toolbox” or a library of grooves and ideas that seems to work well in a spontaneous flow, but you can also pull these ideas out in any setting you’re playing in. You will learn how you can build grooves and fills from sticking patterns (rudiments) and linear concepts (hand and foot combinations).

You can also purchase the “drumming exercises” part of this course on their own if you don't want to do this full course. In that case, check out the "Drum exercises for prophetic drummers"pack. Its content is identical with the content of the "Drumming exercises" in this course, so if you want to know more details, you will find a more thorough description there. If you are buying only a part of this main course, you can always come back and purchase the full course later.